Masih Alinejad is one of leading figures challenging the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Her broadcasts and social media posts reach millions of Iranians and help spur protests and activism throughout the country. But Masih does not live in Iran. She is living in exile in New York City, striving for the rights of Iranians from afar, after her journalism made staying in her homeland an impossibility.
Be My Voice chronicles Alinejad's critical work, and its impact in Iran and beyond. She inspires women across the country to publicly reject compulsory hijab, but her ability to do so makes her family a frequent target of the government, and Masih herself is the target of routine online harassment.
As protests in Iran increase, Alinejad has been a frequent guest of American news programs and has written guest editorials in major newspapers, continuing to do what she can to support her fellow Iranians. Be My Voice shows that Alinejad didn't suddenly come from nowhere, but rather that her years of steadfast advocacy and activism are now affecting a real change.
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