Turning Around Underperforming School Systems
Posted by Ashley on 3/29/2022 to
A blueprint for achievement that can be used by schools throughout the country, Petersburg Rising demonstrates that with thoughtful and focused resources and support, any school can give their students the educations they deserve.
Cesar Chavez and the Farmworkers' Movement
Posted by Ashley on 3/17/2022 to
Featuring interviews with luminaries such as Dolores Huerta, Maya Angelou, Joan Baez, Carlos Santana, Chavez's relatives, and many others, A Song for Cesar is an essential document of one the the greatest grassroots movements in history, told by those who helped to make it happen.
The Fight to Protect Indigenous Lands
Posted by Ashley on 3/15/2022 to
Our Story - the Indigenous Led Fight to Protect Greater Chaco is a document of, and by, the native communities who call this land home and are fighting to preserve what remains of it. As a coalition of tribal leaders and grassroots organizers struggle to sustain themselves on an extracted landscape, Our Story presents the latest chapter in the centuries-long saga of exploitation of indigenous lands, told from an indigenous perspective.
Can Wikipedia Be Trusted?
Posted by Ashley on 3/8/2022 to
The founders of Wikipedia had a simple but compelling goal: to wrench the collection of knowledge away from centralized sources and democratize access to information, with the hopes of a creating a better informed society. 20 Years later, has their grand project been successful?
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