We believe in the power of shared viewing experiences to inspire audiences. Community screenings, both in person and online, can be a critical tool for educating and galvanizing communities, especially when followed with a panel discussion addressing the issues a film raises. A community screening can be hosted by individuals, organizations, corporations, nonprofits, and grassroots organizations.

Here's how it works: 
  1. Pick the film you want to screen
  2. Review the FAQs
  3. Fill out the Submission Form
  4. We will respond with pricing options
  5. Confirm your booking.
  6. We will provide a community screening toolkit (if available) that contains everything you need to have a successful film screening.
  7. Buy some popcorn
  8. Screen your film, and let us know how it went!

What is a Community Screening?
A one-time film screening event that will include an audience of 10+ people. Events can be in-person or virtual, public or private, free or fee-based or donation based.

What type of organization needs a community screening license?
Individuals, organizations, conferences, corporations, nonprofits, grassroots organizations, and anyone seeking to make a difference through film.

What if I'm representing a K-12 school or University/College?
Educational institutions are welcome to hold community screenings, which are single screening events, distinct from the perpetual educational licenses we offer. However community screening licenses do not allow for a school to retain a film for library circulation or future classroom use. To obtain an educational license, please go to the film's unique sales page.

Why do I need a screening license?
A community screening licenses is necessary for any public or group showing of a film. By paying for the license you are helping to support the filmmaker and the film distribution ecosystem. The screening can be free, ticketed, or donation based. We can offer discounts for multiple screenings, and if you are a grassroots organization, work with your budget limitations.

How do I purchase a screening license?
You can fill out our submission form, and our staff will work with you to make sure you have what you need for a successful screening, including a "how to" screening kit.

Can I have more than one screening?
Yes, please let us know how many screening you want when filling out the submission form, and we will get back to you with pricing options.

How can my organization preview the film before purchasing?
Please contact [email protected] for a preview screener

What are my rights and limitations as the Licensing Organization?
Video Project will provide to the Licensing Organization one DVD or access to a digital file to be used for the screening. The screening is open to the public for up to 300 people. If you plan to invite additional organizations or exceed 300 viewers, additional fees may apply. For more information, please contact [email protected].

With the screening License, you may host a private or public screening. You may provide the screening for free, charge for tickets, or take donations. The film may be used as a fundraising event.

A screening License is good for one public exhibition screening of the film by the Licensing Organization. The screening rights are limited and non-transferable license to screen the film on the agreed upon screening dates only, subject to the following terms and conditions:
  • The film shall be used only for the permitted purposes as agreed upon and for no other purpose. It may not be loaned to any groups or individuals outside of the Licensing Organization.
  • Permission for additional exhibition dates must be approved by Video Project, and will incur additional licensing fees.
  • Video Project's content is protected by United States copyright law. The film shall not be duplicated, sold, loaned, transferred, digitized, televised or made available online or to any other party at any time or in any manner.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please reach out to [email protected]

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