Why Distribute your film with Video Project?

Through educational distribution with Video Project, your film will be strategically marketed to maximize both its life span and an extended revenue stream. In order to give our films the attention they deserve, we take a "boutique" approach, working with a limited number of titles each year. Our marketing team works closely with you to develop effective graphics and sales page prior to the launch, and then gives each film the special attention it deserves by tailoring promotional outreach.

Educational & Institutional Distribution

We reach all corners of the educational and institutional film market, with direct outreach to media buyers and faculty members in Universities, Colleges, K-12 schools, and public libraries in the U.S. and Canada. We also serve a variety of institutions, including nonprofits, corporations, museums, conferences, and municipalities. Our robust network of sub-distributors supports our efforts in further reaching these customers.

Our educational streaming partner, Kanopy, is the leading educational streaming service, providing films to thousands of schools and libraries in the U.S. and around the world.

Once we meet you, we will provide our Educational Marketing Overview, which details all the ways we reach our audiences.

Community Screenings and Other Non-Theatrical

We provide single screening licenses and bulk screening sales to a variety of organizations worldwide, and we can work with you to facilitate virtual speaking engagements.

Our in-flight partner serves airlines worldwide and has placed several of our films onto over a dozen airlines.

Video On Demand (VOD)

We collaborate with filmmakers on VOD placement which is achieved in cooperation with our digital distribution partners. They reach all the major TVOD, SVOD, AVOD, and OTT platforms. We also pitch directly to several SVOD platforms.

Impact Campaigns

When appropriate, we produce and implement impact campaigns. Please see our IMPACT page for more information.

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