The Transgender Experience in the Southern Clergy

When you've devoted your life to religious service, what happens when you make the decision to start living your most authentic life, even if it goes against the grain of your congregation? That's exactly the situation four people of the cloth face in Proper Pronouns, a film documenting the lives of four transgender ministers in small town North Carolina.
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A Path to Healing the World's Oceans

As the global temperature steadily rises, bringing with it ocean acidification and mass death of coral reefs, it can be hard to have hope for the future of our oceans. The Map to Paradise charts the international campaign underway to restore the world's aquatic habitats and ensure that they exist for future generations.
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Understanding American Gun Culture

Guns and the discourse around them are so ubiquitous in American life that it can be easy to forget that it wasn't always this way. American Totem charts the history of gun culture in the US, and takes a deep dive into the symbolic meanings behind firearms in the American consciousness.
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Who has the privilege of documentary filmmaking?

It's a familiar story: a filmmaker from Europe with the best of intentions goes to make a film showing the hard realities of a formerly colonized African nation, and hires a local crew. But what happens when the crew pushes back on the filmmaker's assumptions and colonialist history?
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How do Chinese citizens view the US?

As China continues to expand its economy, some are looking to flee the congestion and pollution of major cities to find space and community in the outlying suburbs. In this time of rapid development, some planners are crafting themed towns that offer idealized versions of foreign locales.
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