"Through powerful human stories, director Ky Dickens demonstrates the urgent need to address this vital issue." - DOC NYC

There are only 3 countries in the world that don't offer paid leave for new parents: Papua New Guinea, Lesotho, and the United States. However, America's paid leave crisis extends far beyond parental leave. Millions of Americans risk unemployment and financial ruin should an illness strike them or a loved one who needs their care.

Zero Weeksis the first film to take an in-depth look at this pressing issue. Experts, business owners, and workers from across the economic spectrum communicate the urgent need for a federal paid leave policy through moving anecdotes and compelling interviews. Perfect for courses in economics, gender studies, business management and more,Zero Weeksis sure to impress upon viewers the gravity of the paid leave crisis and the necessity for change.>>

top-rated documentaries exploring the critical issues of our time

PH: 1-800-4-PLANET • FX: 415-692-6223 • [email protected]

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