Reviews and Festivals
"Mesmerizing programs for anyone interested in art, music, or the Soviet Union."
— ABC-CLIO Video Rating Guide for Libraries
Black Square,
a thoughtful provocative survey of Soviet avant-garde artists, who have
endured decades of oppression and obscurity for daring to defy the
official calendar art style glorifying communist progress. This
comprehensive and painful study makes clear that although these artists
can now sell their work abroad they have yet to achieve real recognition
at home."
— Los Angeles Times
"This is a sample of artistic documentary filmmaking."
— Unnamed Soviet Film Critic
"The best of the lot by far is the witty Dialogues"
— Denise J. Youngblood, The Russian Review
"Controversial saxophonist Sergei Kyryokhin leads a joyously eclectic jam session/concert incorporating everything from jazz, rock, punk and experimental music. (The unlikely site is a formal rococo ballroom in a Leningrad palace.)"
— Los Angeles Times
"More recent Soviet music is the subject of...Nikolai Obukhovich's Dialogi (Dialogues) about the improvised musical style of Sergei Kurekhin's band, Popular Mechanics."
— Evgenii Tsymbal, Dammin the tide of glasnost, Index on Censorship
"A dialogue between the PM musicians (including jass musicians) and Vladimir Chekasin's jazz quartet. Obukhovich combined theses scenes with traditional jazz tunes from the Tbilissi Jazz Festival, but leaves the viewer unaware about this fact."
— Hannelore Fobo, E-E The Leningrad 1980s in Evgenij Kozlov's work
"Dialogues is expertly edited to convey the emotional variation from one musician's style to another. Dialogues begins slowly and builds to a crescendo...Black Square and Dialogues are mesmerizing programs for anyone interested in art, music, or the Soviet Union."
— ABC-CLIO Video Rating Guide for Libraries