Reviews and Festivals
"[And the Past Seems But a Dream] is a film about the collapse of faith, first faith in God, then in Stalin. It's about the slavish need for an idol and the complicated attitudes of people in Stalinism."
— Unnamed Film Critic
"Prevailing tone of sadness"
— James Krukones, John Carroll University
"One of the most popular subejcts for documentaries has been the Stalin era, which was addressed in Sergei Miroshnichenko's But the Past Seems a Dream"
— Evgenii Tsymbal, Damming the tide of glasnost, Index on Censorship
"Different types of traumatic events from the Stalin era, both personal and cultural, were examined in documentary. They addressed events from forced resettlements (And the Past Seems but a Dream)"
— Erin Alpert, Visualizing the Past: Perestroika Documentary Memory of Stalin-Era Trauma