"A triumph. With rare aesthetic taste, it delivers the facts about our accelerating climate chaos with an almost tender respect for those of us confronting the crisis."

-Joanna Macy, PhD

Despite decades of warnings from activists, politicians, and everyone in between, this year has made it clearer than ever that our climate has already changed, and that new ways of structuring our societies are essential to the longevity of life on Earth. But what is one to do in the face of that knowledge?

This is the question at the center of Once You Know, a climate change documentary unlike any that have come before. A thoughtful and artful meditation, the film recognizes that the time for prevention has long passed, and that now we are now tasked with re-making the world in order to mitigate the worst impacts of a warmer planet. Exploring the new field of "Collapsology", a discipline concerned with the decline of systems, Once You Know offers an unflinching blueprint for what lies ahead in the years to come, while still finding reasons to look forward to a new paradigm.

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