The Office of Equity and Innovation (OEI) for the Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) has planned a series of community film screenings of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) focused content, with the intent of building a media impact project that will affect real change for both underserved and BIPOC students in Delaware.

Welcome to the community screening resource page.

The following film screening resources are FREE TO ALL communities in Delaware who wish to host a screening, including but not limited to: DDOE, non-profit & for-profit partners, DDEW, educators, LEA's, students, parents, families, caregivers, community members, colleges, municipal and government organizations, school communities and communities of faith — "the village".

To learn more information about levels of success planning for students, schools, and districts, please contact Monique Martin at [email protected]

To see the list of films available, please go to #1 below and click "List of Films" (do not use the menu at the top of this page)

Please reach out to Michael or Arlin at Video Project for all questions about films and screenings, and to Gabby at See Change Institute for all questions regarding surveys.

See all upcoming and past screenings here.

  1. To view a list of all the films in the program, browse this List of Films to determine what films are right for your community
  2. To preview any of the films for screening consideration, use the Preview Screener Form
  3. To schedule a film screening, use the Screening Request Form
  4. To help plan your screening, use this Screening Logistics & Helpful Tips document. It contains everything you need to host a successful screening.
  5. All screenings will be listed on the Events page. Please contact us with any changes to your event times, dates, or locations.
Be sure to ask all attendees to fill out the Audience Screening Survey


For general inquiries and speaking engagements, contact Michael Kuehnert, Program Director

For questions about DVDs, digital files, screener links, other technical and support questions, contact Arlin Golden, Director of Operations

For questions about surveys and screening tracking forms, contact Gabby Lamm, Research Manager

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