Reviews and Festivals
"Interesting, informative, and accessible on many age levels...Best suited for ages 10-adult"
— Green Teacher
"The use of a middle school narrator to address the problem of plastic trash will make this readily suitable in an environmental science curriculum."
— School Library Journal"
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Does an excellent job of telling a story from the beginning of plastics in America, the science of making plastics, and its explosive and pervasive presence in our world today in 20 minutes...Does a wonderful job of telling an engaging story that will captivate most middle schoolers."
— Science Books and Films"A short but engaging film on one of our planet's controversial issues regarding wastes."
— Educational Media Reviews Online"Wonderful cinematography on a script that goes step by step through a logical progression that is complete - hard to challenge. It is simple, compelling, and accurate. Amazing work!"
— Dan Haifley, Executive Director O'Neill Sea Odyssey
"A powerful message about the necessity of reducing our dependence on plastic."
— Karen Palmer, Producer Friday Harbor Film Festival
"Very engaging and important...An inspiring documentary that will cause people of all ages - young and old - to come together and make a difference. It combines a strong message with credible professionals and creates a cinematic artwork. This film is beyond excellent!"
— Kids First Film Festival
"The award-winning 20-minute film covers the history of plastic, its myriad uses, and the big problem with it -- it doesn't go away....One of the highlights of the young filmmaker's documentary is the powerful message of how young people can help solve the problem."
— San Juan Islander
International Ocean Film Festival, Environment Award
International Wildlife Film Festival, Best Children's Film
Arizona International Fiilm Festival, Best of Indie Youth
SiciliAmbiente Documentary Film Festival, Audience Choice Award
Best of Shorts Film Festival, Award of Merit: Nature/Environment/Wildlife; Young Filmmaker
Friday Harbor Film Festival
International Wildlife Film Festival
Sunscreen Film Festival
Ocean International Film Festival
Best of Shorts Film Festival
Philadelphia Environmental Film Festival
Kids First Film Festival
Port Orchard Film Festival
Wild and Scenic Film Festival
Dances with Films
Arizona International Film Festival
Awareness Festival
San Diego International Kids Film Festival
SiciliAmbiente Doc Film Festival
Evolution Mallorca Int'l Film Festival
Thunder Bay International Film Festival