MUSIC BY U2 AND RADIOHEADLove Hate Love weaves together the stories of three families whose lives were torn apart by some of the most notorious terrorist attacks of the 21st century, yet refused to succumb to despair or hate.
Liz Alderman’s son Peter was murdered in the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Esther Hyman’s only sister and a gifted artist was killed in the 2005 bus bombings in London. Australian business owner Ben Tullipan lost both his legs when a one-ton car bomb exploded outside a Bali night club in 2002.
Love Hate Love follows these individuals and their families across five continents, as they struggle to overcome their deep anguish and build positive, world-changing legacies for their lost loved ones.
Liz Alderman and her husband dedicate their lives to opening mental health clinics that help victims of war and terrorism return to productive lives in Cambodia, Rwanda, Uganda and Haiti.
Esther and the rest of Miriam's family are devoted to bringing the gift of good vision to thousands of children in India, inspired by how Miriam’s artistic talent went unrealized until her vision was corrected.
Ben learned to walk again with two prosthetic legs and has become a championship golfer. His mission now is to give back by counseling other amputees to help them find the courage to live fully and walk again.
Love Hate Love is a moving story about the resilience of the human spirit, and the power of hope and love to transform lives and help fight hate in the world.