Reviews and Festivals
"Recommended. Approaches the millennia-old question, 'what happens after death?' from a variety of perspectives. When one understands both the process and event of death, it provides one a greater appreciation for and understanding of life. Each cultural, religious, and scientific perspective of death is given space to provide explanation for its description of what happens after death. Suggested for sociology, counseling, neuroscience, religion, and health care – the facets of all these subjects that deal with the study and understanding of death."
— Educational Media Reviews Online
"Highly recommended. Deeply personal, yet universal in scope, Death Makes Life Possible is not just about how to die peacefully and gracefully; more importantly, it describes how to fully live."
— Dean Ornish, MD
"Skillfully and gently raises the curtain on what we think of as the last act in the our play of life. A landmark production, not to be missed."
— Light of Consciousness Magazine
"Stunning in terms of beauty, richness of detail, heart and wisdom. Brings tears and inspiration."
— Larry Dossey, MD
"A very welcome and very powerful new tool. We will be using it for years to come, not only to help relieve the suffering in some of our patients, but also, and sometimes much more importantly, with their families to ease their grief and distress before and after the death."
— Dr. R. Gregory LaGoy, BS, ND, MBA, Chief Executive Officer, Hospice Maui, Inc.
"A superb training opportunity for professionals who work with families facing death. Told through riveting personal narrative and scientific evidence, the film deepens our awareness of continuity of consciousness to reframe the entire journey."
— Lisa Miller, Ph.D., Professor & Director, Clinical Psychology Program & Spirituality Mind Body Institute, Teachers College, Columbia University
Illuminate Film Festival
Wild & Scenic Film Festival
Spirit Film Festival
San Diego Film Festival
Sonoma Film Festival
Cosmic Cine Film Festival