"An absolutely wonderful production, the messages in this film are spot-on!"

-Ken Pimlott, Cal Fire Director

As the world continues to see larger, longer, and more devastating wildfires, the questions arise: what is causing the frequency of such intense fires to increase, and what can be done to prevent them? Wilder Than Wild is a new documentary that tackles these questions head-on, looking at the myriad causes of the new breed of "megafires" and positing solutions for bringing them under control through a holistic approach to fire safety. Featuring foremost wildfire experts and screening at major environmental film festivals around the country, Wilder Than Wild is the definitive film on this frightening new paradigm.

top-rated media programs exploring the critical issues of our time

PH: 1-800-4-PLANET • FX: 415-692-6223 • [email protected]

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