California Forever is a two-part series that tells the history and legacy of California’s magnificent state parks, from Yosemite in 1864 to the present day. It is also the story of how the ‘park idea’ first started in California and led to the creation of the national park system. Together, the two one-hour episodes illustrate the importance of California’s state parks for preserving the state’s history, culture, and environment, as well as for public enjoyment. Many of the state’s parks, now national icons, are facing a variety of challenges today.
Episode One – California Forever: The History of California State Parks Highlights the discovery and creation of California’s state parks system and profiles the individuals and groups whose passion helped preserve and protect them for future generations, including John Muir. The episode takes viewers on a scenic, cultural and historical tour of California’s state parks, highlighting key events and historic places that are crucial chapters of the California story, including Spanish colonists at Old Monterey, fortune seekers in Gold Country, the ill-fated Donner Party, and native tribes on the North Coast.
Episode Two – California Forever: Parks for the FuturePresents the very real challenges that state parks currently face in California today, including habitat destruction by overuse; protection of native species at the expense of recreation; climate change; encroachment of private industry; and park closures due to state budget cuts. Episode two also profiles the diverse cultures that made California home, commemorated in many parks, and the challenge of making state parks more accessible to people of all backgrounds.
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